Friday, October 24, 2008


Do you believe that people around us have different perspectives in their lives or you believe that we have one common perspective why we are living?

I say that I believe that each and everyone of us have different perspectives in our life but have a common purpose.

In this ambitious and ferocious world where we are living into, we meet different kinds of people. From the simplest person who exudes simplicity to the most sophisticated who executes glamour. From the vilest who only wants a food to fill in their crumbling stomachs to the affluent person who wants everything even eternity, from all walks of life, so they say.

From these people we choose who are we going to accept as our friends, who we are going to love, and who we are going to hate. We choose them because we have our own reason, maybe a personal one, or is required to do so, or just you want to.

We can never say when life can give the best and when it will give the worst. Irony things may occur. The people we choose to accept and to love whom give out the best in us maybe also give us the most hurting memories that we don’t want to remember forever and the persons whom we chose to hate can possibly the ones who can heal the wounds that were created by the ones we choose love although we know that time can only heal the wounds that is inside.

I think that’s the reason why we exist. To choose. To love. To hate. To be loved. To be hated. To be wounded. And to stand-up again. And we choose, love, being loved, being hated, getting wounded and standing-up again and we do it again and again and again. I think that’s the cycle. It has something to do with the relationship we build around the people around us.


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