Saturday, March 14, 2009


From my debut blog which is “Ink Stain in My Paper”, I have jotted there that there was a point in my life that I abhor writing. I can’t believe that from a simple-school-publication everything has changed. From then on, I already started to have a taste in writing and eventually be infatuated in this “hobby”.

From the simplest idea inside my head to the intricate contemplation that I have created, I make sure that I have created some kind of an article or put it into writing.

Anyways, the reason why I was so infatuated in writing is that it was a therapy for my stressed-mind. I can unload all the heavy thoughts that was stocked inside my petite mind because my mind can’t take so-much-more-of-absorbing-things. And only in writing I can speak up for myself without arguing with other regarding on my beliefs and stands -just like this one. :)


Saturday, March 7, 2009


i'm sorry guys for having such an anemic blog this past few weeks... don't worry i promise that i'll update this when my schedule is free... i have lots of things inside my head that i need to express through writing in this blog-slash-jail of mine... thanks for understanding...