Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We can associate life with sundry mere things that we can never imagine, not even in our wildest dreams can be associated to but it is possible that we can match up to our life with these mere life.

Life is like a box full of chocolate. You’ll never know what sweet treat might come next to meet in your mouth for the next big scene, connoted by one of my colleagues -Kristelle. Indeed, life is full of surprises. Expect the unexpected, so they say. We may not meet what we are expecting and we may meet the things that we don’t expect to happen but the choice of choosing what is best for us is within ourselves. We are the only ones who can tell what will be our fate in the ensuing imminent future.

We are the ones who are painting the wall that signifies our life. We are the ones who paint black in our wall, the red, the green, the blue to mention few. The more colors we paint in the wall, the more our life will be meaningful. There may have been some perquisites but we must never be abuse these perquisites, but instead be just be thankful.
Life is can be as funny as a comedy films maybe, or can be as enchanting as a fairytale movies can be or can be as dreadful as a horror and suspense movie, or can be as lovely as a love-story movie can be or can be as gloomy as a drama movie. Life is a silver screen in a making. All the “genre” that we’re mentioned above are all part of our mere life that makes it complete before ending, and that ending lies among us, we may choose have a happy-ending story or a wrecked-ending story.

Life is a paradox. It is full of contradicting things that happens everyday that we might not be aware of. Choose wisely are the words of the game. Be painstaking in making decisions. We are the ones whom we are going to benefit in the end if we follow this only rule in life. We are the ones is will be responsible for every decisions we make. Have off pat that we make decisions to make our life more colorful not to wreck our life.


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