Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 turns 2009

Year 2008 may not have been cause so much joy to our life, to the society or to the world, hence it caused us more inhibitions. But for me, it has been fair and square. The Rat will be transferring it's throne to the Ox.

Time flies so fast. It seems like yesterday we only celebrated and welcome Year 2008. But here we are, later, we’re going to change the calendar on our walls and will be welcoming Year 2009.

As part of our customs, people will be making once again their New Year’s Resolution(s). But don’t count me in. Anyways, does your [your] New Year’s Resolution come true? Or do you still make it (your past New Year’s Resolution) until now?

I bet some don’t and good for others that still do it.

Don’t you think that we should welcome 2009 a different way? I mean, hello? Why are you going to make a New Year’s Resolution if you can’t keep it? Right?

Why not, instead of making New Year’s Resolution, let’s set some goal to achieve! Basically, New Year’s Resolutions are just mere undertaking that were meant to be busted and the turn up is you’ll be a loser while if you set your goal at least you will always be reminded to give your very best in everything that you will do. And another idea is why not change our bad and awful attitudes for the better. Change for the better! It can never be changed in a wink of an eye. It takes time. Take it slowly.

In a matter of few minutes another chapter of our lives will be ending and will immediately followed by another one.

As I have said earlier, Year 2008 may not be as good as we are expecting it to be. Many trials had come along our way. But amidst to it, we stand firm enough to face all these challenges.

Au Revoir 2008!
Welcome 2009!


1 comment: said...

it's good to set your goals and be definite in what you yearn to achieve but still the best goal is to do your best Godwardly (is there such word? ;)